Thursday, August 21, 2008

Whose that knocking at my door?

Some interesting photos were sent to my Department a couple of weeks ago. It seems that a bear tried to enter a homeowners house! These three photos tell the story and were taken by the poor frightened woman. She call the Game and Fish Department... we dispatched an officer out to her home... they trapped the bear... and relocated it. We keep trying to pound it into homeowner's heads NOT to leave birdseed or trash outside! Poor hungry bears are trying to pack on pounds for hibernation. Hopefully this guy found something to eat besides what was inside the homeowners cupboards! Just wanted to share these interesting photos.


Chrissie said...

Wow I would have been totally freaked out. Kind of funny too. Thanks for sharing.

dhalpern3 said...

I think the bear at the door is hysterical. It reminds me of the termite at the door in the Terminix commercials.
"Hi there, I'm your new neighbor. Can I borrow a cup of honey?"

gus said...

For a moment I thought that bear was at your kitchen door!!!!

JuanitaTortilla said...

Oh my! While I think bears are adorable to look at, it is frightening to have one banging on your door!
Thanks for sharing!

Amber M. said...

HOLY COW! What amazing pictures...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and for entering our blogoversary giveaway. It is so nice to meet you!

Nan said...

Oh my Gosh! What a story to tell. My mother in law is an avid bird feeder, she always wants to know why I don't have bird feeders out, we live where there are black bears, now that is another good reason not to tempt the critters into my own back yard.

I just plain don't want the mess bird cause, funny how I love them and all, but don't want to clean up after them, might be a remnant of how I came to be called Nannybird though, that story is on my blog down under the heading on the right called "how I became a Nannybird"

Well this is suppose to be a comment not a long story! I enjoyed visiting your blog, I'll be back.