Thursday, July 23, 2009

Movie Review: The Great Buck Howard

"The Great" Buck Howard (John Malkovich) has spent most of his life in the limelight. His mind-boggling feats as a mentalist extraordinaire – not to be confused with those of a mere magician - earned him 61 appearances on Johnny Carson’s "Tonight Show." In his own humble opinion, his talents go far beyond simple sleight of hand – he can read minds and hypnotize not just a single soul but an entire room of people! But nowadays, it’s clear to everyone but Buck that his act has lost its luster; he performs in faded community centers and hasn’t sold out a theater in years.
Yet, with a hearty handshake (which was hysterically funny to watch over and over again) and a trademark “I love this town!” Buck Howard continues to be confident in himself, convinced that a comeback is right around the corner. He needs a new road manager and personal assistant. As it turns out, a recent law school drop-out, would-be writer Troy Gable (Colin Hanks), needs a job. Working for the conceited, has-been mentalist fills Troy's need for employment. Unfortnately his father (Tom Hanks), assumes Troy is in law school.
With the aid of a pretty publicist (Emily Blunt) Buck surprisingly lands back in the American limelight, taking Troy along for the ride of his life.
As the spotlight again shines on him, Buck becomes the unlikeliest of teachers as Troy learns a few tricks he couldn’t possibly have picked up in law school.
I loved this movie a lot... and recommend it. I think the title of this film sucks... and was a real turn-off at the box office. But Malkovich is awesome in this and deserves credit. Trust me... rent this and you won't be sorry! FOUR STARS.