Sunday, November 23, 2008

Craft show not a success!

Here are a couple of photos of my table at the craft fair. It was a lot of work... packing up everything... driving out to where the show was... then walking what felt like miles with all of my stuff to where the actual show was. Once I got everything set up I ended up sitting and reading an entire book for two days. I only made $12. No one was buying. All of the sellers were as disappointed as I was. I have one more craft sale for next Saturday. This time its at a busier place and I have hopes to sell more items. What a disappointment and a waste of two days! Oh well... if I am left with all of this stuff at least I know where my Christmas shopping will take place... at my own table!


Rima said...

Oh well. Sorry to hear. BUT, you make great, beautiful stuff...and I suppose this is part of the process! You attended a craft fair, and took the first step! Yay.

Twyla and Lindsey said...

Better luck next time. I hope you and your family have a very nice Thanksgiving! Twyla

Chrissie said...

Sorry to hear it was a bust. Hope the next one goes well.