Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Another movie review: The Wrestler

Whoa... if your easily disturbed by sex, violence and blood be sure NOT to see this one. Micky Rourke is definately hard to look at... but he does take this movie and run with it. I am NOT a fan of wrestling and there were many times I had to look away from the screen. I am still glad I saw this movie... it was an experience. I am very glad I have never had any desire to be interested in this form of 'sport'. In one scene when he is talking with his daughter I was in tears. Its hard to see a person do so much violence to their body. I give this movie 4.5 stars... and again... only see it if you really want to.


JuanitaTortilla said...

Hmm, really? I haven't found anything appealing about the movie, maybe it has got to do with wrestling, which is quite a yawn to me. But, I might as well give it a go!

JuanitaTortilla said...

Saw it last night, and for some reason, it was engaging. The wrestling bits made me squirm! So much violence...